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THE: Tamkang Among Top 300 in Asia


本校進入Times Higher Education(THE)亞洲排名前300大

Times Higher Education (THE) is a research institute that each year publishes a world university ranking, placing institutes of higher education into sequential order. Among the rankings produced is a list of the top 300 universities in Asia according to THE. This year, for the first time, Tamkang University entered the list of 300 leading Asian universities, placing 251st.

This accolade is the culmination of concentrated effort over many years, as TKU works to enhance its international standing by providing excellence in the areas of education, research, and service.

The THE's list of Asian university rankings is based on five core metrics: teaching (the learning environment), research (volume, income and reputation), citations (research influence), international outlook (staff, students, and research), and industry income (knowledge transfer).

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