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A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan



According to estimates made by Boeing, the global demand for pilots in the next 20 years will come to about 500,000 pilots. Out of this pool of pilots, approximately 200,000 vacancies will need to be filled in the Asia market alone. Positioned in the heart of Asia, Taiwan could capitalize on this trend and transform itself into a pilot training hub for aspiring pilots throughout Asia. Yet at present, it only trains around 100 pilots a year - supply falls far short of demand.

To balance this disparity, Tamkang University has embarked on a collaborative program with Apex Flight Academy, signing a Memorandum of Understanding on the morning of Feb 14 at the TKU Taipei Campus. In attendance at the signing ceremony were the TKU Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Keh Huan-chao, and the CEO of Apex Flight Academy, Mr. Wilson Kao.

Under the collaborative agreement, TKU will offer credited study programs for aspiring pilots, and Apex Flight Academy will provide instructors, scholarships, and internship programs. The joint effort represents a push to develop Taiwan's education in the area of aviation, in an attempt to meet the future demand for pilots.

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A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan

A Collaborative Agreement to Promote Aviation in Taiwan


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