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The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony



On the morning of June 15, 2019, under a blazing summer sun, the Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony for the 2018-19 academic year kicked off. Held at TKU’s Tamsui Campus, the celebration started with the customary ‘final lap around the campus,’ a longstanding ritual in which the deans of each of Tamkang’s colleges lead students on a final sweep of the campus grounds, embarking from the TKU Student Activity Center and then passing the library, the Ching Sheng Building, the TKU Maritime Museum, the Fu-Yuan Japanese Garden, and the ‘Five Tiger Hill’ steps. When the graduating students finally arrived at the Shao-Mo Memorial Gymnasium - the venue of the Commencement ceremony - they were greeted by the President and the Chairperson of Tamkang University, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh and Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang respectively. The students waved enthusiastically as the sound of whooping and cheering filled the crisp morning air.

At 10:00 am sharp the official ceremony commenced, with numerous dignitaries - including President Keh and Chairperson Chang - entering the gymnasium. At the top of the program were dance performances delivered by two TKU dance clubs, ‘TK Dance Fantasy’ and students from the Indigenous Student Resource Center.

The on-stage VIP guests at this year’s ceremony included: Trustee on the TKU Board of Trustees, Dr. Wan-chin Tai, the Supervisor of the Board of Trustees, Mei-Lan Wang, several former TKU presidents, including Dr. Chen Ya-hong, Dr. Louis R. Chao, and Dr. Lin Yun-shan, the President of the Tamkang University Worldwide Federation of Alumni Associations, Ding-chuan Chen, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Tamkang University Alumni Association Headquarters, Dr. Chen Ching-Tsai and Chuang Zi-Hua respectively, the President and Vice-President of the Federation of TKU Department Alumni Associations, Dr. Lawrence Lin and Li Shu-chung respectively, the Chairman of the Kinmen County TKU Alumni Association, Dr. Chen Tsang-Chiang, as well as dignitaries and diplomatic envoys from various countries: the former President and First Lady of the Marshall Islands, Kessai and Mary Note, the Marshall Islands Ambassador to Taiwan, Neijon Edwards, the Tuvalu Ambassador to Taiwan and First Secretary, Limasene Teatu and Siaeki Teatu respectively, the Solomon Islands Ambassador to Taiwan and spouse, Joseph Pius and Reselee Waleanisia, and the Kiribati Ambassador to Taiwan, Tessie Eria Lambourne. Sitting among the crowd were also 20 plus officials from countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan and distinguished members of the academic and business community in Taiwan.

The ceremony proceeded with an opening address from the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, in which he thanked the esteemed guests for their attendance at the ceremony, and congratulated the entire body of graduating students and their families members who came to share in the graduation festivities.

A total of 6500 TKU students graduated this year, and will soon enter the workforce and apply their skills and knowledge, acquired over the previous four years, to contribute to the broader community.

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The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 Tamkang University Graduation Ceremony


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