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Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit


外語學院教師跨海論劍 激盪火花

From May 26-30, the 2017 Cross-Strait Foreign Language and Literature Research Summit was held at Xiamen University, Mainland China. The Summit was organized jointly by the TKU College of Foreign Languages and Literature and the School of Foreign Languages, Peking University. During the Summit, a total of 82 experts and scholars in the area of foreign languages and literature from around Mainland China, and from TKU, presented 65 research papers related to the subject of languages and literature.

Led by the TKU Dean of the College of Languages and Literature, Dr. Lucia Hsiao Chuan Chen, the Tamkang delegation, which included 14 teachers from within the college, visited Xiamen University College of Foreign Languages and Cultures to discuss opportunities for sustained and closer future collaboration between the respective colleges.

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Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit

Strengthening Cross-Strait Ties with a Summit


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