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The TKU Mobile Chemistry Lab Arrives at Keelung for the First Time



The Tamkang University Center for Science Education continues to hold chemistry-based educational activities, its mobile chemistry ‘procession’ having traveled around the island several times. The procession consists of the mobile chemistry lab (sponsored by Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation) and the mobile analysis lab (sponsored by Merck Taiwan), and is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Chemistry Society Located in Taipei (CSLT), and the broader chemistry industry. For the last eight years, it has moved around the island, stopping at remote elementary and high schools in a bid to promote chemistry education throughout Taiwan.

On Jan 24, 2019, the mobile chemistry lab arrived at Cheng-Bin Junior High School in Keelung, northern Taiwan, and proceeded on to Keelung Municipal Sun Yat Sen Junior High School on Jan 25, where students took part in hands-on chemistry experiments, having fun while learning about chemistry.

The mobile chemistry lab has now been to all 22 cities and counties around Taiwan.

2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT). Tamkang University’s mobile chemistry activities are intended not only to support and complement the IYPT, but also to reflect the slogan of the United Nation’s 2011 International Year of Chemistry: ‘Chemistry - Our Life, Our Future’.

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The TKU Mobile Chemistry Lab Arrives at Keelung for the First Time

The TKU Mobile Chemistry Lab Arrives at Keelung for the First Time

The TKU Mobile Chemistry Lab Arrives at Keelung for the First Time

The TKU Mobile Chemistry Lab Arrives at Keelung for the First Time

The TKU Mobile Chemistry Lab Arrives at Keelung for the First Time


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