CSU Stanislaus Delegation Visits Tamkang to Renew Academic Ties
A delegation of senior staff from California State University, Stanislaus, visited the Tamsui Campus on Feb 22, 2019. The delegation consisted of the President of CSU Stanislaus, Dr. Ellen Junn, Stanislaus State committee member, Mr. Fred Bee, and Senior International Officer, Dr. Jennifer Helzer.
TKU and CSU Stanislaus concluded a sister university cooperative agreement in 2002, and from 2003 to 2006, four TKU students studied there under the newly-signed student exchange agreement. Moreover, in 2011 the current Chairperson and former President of Tamkang University, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, was among a delegation of six senior TKU staff who visited CSU Stanislaus. With the initial academic agreement soon coming to a close, the recent visit represented an opportunity to renew the agreement and ensure continued cooperation well into the future.
To make the guests feel more at home during their visit, student volunteers led the them on a tour of the TKU Tamsui Campus, pointing out the Chinese palace-style classrooms and then guiding them into the Chinese-style gardens. President Junn remarked at the beauty of the campus and expressed her hope to someday return and offer lectures at TKU.
The signing of the renewal agreement was carried out by the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, and President Junn. It was followed by a round of group photos at the Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Hall, and closing remarks by President Keh, who expressed his hope for closer and more substantive relations between the two institutions in the near future.
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