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TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)


校長率團訪歐•深化姊妹校交流(Part II)

The President of Tamkang University, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, has been leading a delegation of senior TKU staff on a visit of sister universities in Europe. On March 12, 2019, the delegation concluded the French leg of the tour, and then flew to Germany, where it visited three universities with whom TKU holds mutual student exchange agreements and substantive exchange and interaction: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, the University of Bonn, and the University of Cologne.

On the afternoon of March 13, the TKU delegation visited Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, a prestigious institution known for its academic research, where they were received by the Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Hans Van Ess, and several members from the International Office, including Dr. Nicola Hillmer, Dr. Susanne Doring-Buchmann, and Miss Sabine Polacek. After the TKU delegation arrived, they attended a forum held by the host university, in which TKU staff introduced various unique features of study at Tamkang, including its emphasis on internationalization, as well as inviting the president and vice-president of the host university to attend TKU's 70th anniversary celebration next year.

On the afternoon of March 15, the delegation visited the University of Cologne, where they were met by the Head of the International Office, Dr. Stefan Bildhauer, the Head of the Department “International Science” within the International Office, Dr. Susanne Preuschoff, and other personnel from the International Office, including Dr. Peter Haase and Miss Nicole Conde.

On the same afternoon, TKU delegates converged upon the University of Bonn, an institution with a list of alumni that include Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Robert Schumann, and were received personally by the President of the University, Dr. Michael Hoch.

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TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)

TKU President Tours Sister Universities in Europe (Part 2)


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