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The Strategic Studies Annual Conference


戰略所舉辦年會 發揚淡江戰略學派品牌

This year marks an important milestone for the Tamkang University Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, which will celebrate its 35th anniversary. From May 6-7, the Institute held its annual conference, known as the "Tamkang School of Strategic Studies 2017 Annual Event". It was attended by over 200 participants both from academia and business, including the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang and the Dean of Strategic Studies, Li Da-jung.

Dean Li noted that the School of Strategic Studies has held the annual conference for many years, wishing to maintain its standing as a leading institution of strategic studies in Taiwan, and regularly drawing dignitaries from around the world to partake in discussion and dialogue regarding international affairs and strategic studies. This year, it attracted esteemed members of academia and business from America, India, Japan, and Singapore, among others.

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The Strategic Studies Annual Conference

The Strategic Studies Annual Conference

The Strategic Studies Annual Conference

The Strategic Studies Annual Conference

The Strategic Studies Annual Conference

The Strategic Studies Annual Conference

The Strategic Studies Annual Conference

The Strategic Studies Annual Conference

The Strategic Studies Annual Conference


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