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An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching


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As we make our way through the 21st century, human society is developing in leaps and bounds. Some of these developments far exceed our expectations, and serve to highlight the importance of sustainable development. The question of how to equip students with the ability to adapt to an ever-changing society, and to instil in students the need to care for others, is a prodigious challenge currently facing institutions of higher education.

To produce graduates with the qualities needed to be upstanding citizens of the 21st century, Stanford University has launched the Stanford 2025 initiative, which works like a learning blueprint for the future.

Tamkang University is also currently holding an exhibition that focuses on future innovation in learning and teaching. Located at the TKU Black Swan Exhibition Hall and held from May 22-26, the event features theme-based displays and related student work projects, and is an important event in TKU's continued push to advance the state of teaching and learning in Taiwan.

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An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching

An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching

An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching

An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching

An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching

An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching

An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching

An Exhibition on Innovation in Teaching


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