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A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute


外交決策模擬營 演練南海爭端

Since Autumn 2013, tensions surrounding the South China Sea have grown. It has not only seen various sovereign nations pursuing their own regional interests, but also a symbolic flexing of the muscles between two superpowers – the US and China. On 12 July, 2016, the ruling on the South China Sea Arbitration case was issued, which further drew international attention to this fiercely disputed region.

On Oct 22, the TKU Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies held the 2nd Model United Nations Security Council Conference. Several TKU departments assisted in organizing the event, including the TKU Department of Global Politics and Economics, the Department of Diplomacy and International Relations, and the TKU International Affairs Learning Society (TKU IALS).

Whereas the topic of last year's conference was the Syrian crisis, this year's conference centered around the “South China Sea Dispute”.

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A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute

A Conference on the South China Sea Dispute


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