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Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered



Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Tamkang University’s Li-chou Gao Scholarship was established by TKU Alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering and founder of Sande Co., Xin-ping Gao. Xin-ping Gao named the scholarship program after his mother and used it to assist students faced with different difficulties and emergency circumstances. In the eleven years since the founding of the scholarship, it’s helped a total of 263 students, awarding 13,150,000 NT in subsidies. Unfortunately Xin-ping Gao passed away last August, but the university has promised to continue the scholarship program for the next 50 years in honor and memory of a great man.

Executive Director of Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development, Chun-young Perng, stated, “Before Xin-ping Gao graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering he had great guidance from his mother and father. They gave him fundamentals of generosity and responsibility that placed him on a path to be a be a provider for society. It’s these concepts that acted as the root for establishing this scholarship program. I hope that all of the people that he’s influenced will continue to water the seed of giving.”

The Li-chou Gao Scholarship is awarded every semester and the recipient is personally given a red pocket and a few words of encouragement during the awarding ceremony. Dean of the College of Engineering, Chii-dong Ho, stated, “The most touching moment for me was in 2012 when a young lady was in need of funding because of a family crisis that occurred during her time of study. Her father had passed and she used the scholarship to assist with the costs of burial services. Now she runs her own business, but these subsidies played a major role in her overcoming her tough situation.” Over the years many individuals have been touched by the contributions made by Xin-ping Gao and even though he’s passed, this legacy of generosity will continue.

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Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development

Founder of the Li-chou Gao Scholarship is Remembered
Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development


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